YMP Sponsors and Partners
Additional Donors and Supporters
Since it launched in June 2016, the Mississippi Youth Media Project has enjoyed wide and growing community support for our goals of training young people to tell needed stories effectively, presenting a more effective and honest narrative about young people, providing career and workforce development to under-served youth, and helping prevent school dropouts in central Mississippi. We thank the following for financial or in-kind donations and volunteer assistance. You can write YMP at [email protected] to find out ways to help, or click here to make a tax-deductible contribution to our fiscal sponsor on YMP's behalf.
A special thanks to the supporters of the 2017 YMP Fall Showcase at the Capital Club:
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Neel-Schaffer Inc.
Vicki R. Slater, Attorney at Law, P.A.
Dr. George Schimmel
Dr. Robert Luckett
Dr. Clinton Smith
Rims and Judy Barber
We thank the following groups and individuals for supporting YMP with financial, volunteer
and/or in-kind support since it launched in summer 2016.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation/Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance
Jackson Council PTA
Jackson Public Schools
Parents for Public Schools/E3 (Ask for More)
United Way of the Capital Area Inc.
Entergy Legal Department
Carson Law Firm
Mississippi Scholastic Press Association
Reveal/The Center for Investigative Reporting
Workplace Solutions/Barefield
Podastery Studios/Beau York
Choice Printing
The New Hollywood LGBT/Emerging Voices Grant
Kit Williamson
NMHA Unlimited Film Productions
Dr. Wilma Mosley Clopton
Crossroads Film Society
Katherine Dieckman, Filmmaker
Mattiace/Capital Towers
good. design & code
PMI Central Mississippi
Red Squared Productions
Greater Jackson Arts Council
1 Million Cups/Coalesce
TEDx Jackson Women
Jackson Free Press
Dr. George Schimmel
Natalie Irby
Karla Vazquez-Elmore
Vicki Slater
Deborah Stringer
Melanie Paige-Brown
Nakesha Watkins
Angel Eaves
Christie Herring
Natalie Mayor
Vanessa Wallace
John Gentry
Roberta Avila
Kate McNeel
Rachel Myers
Joy Hogge
Rosaline McCoy
Victoria Leech
Amy Haimerl
Stephen Barnett/Davaine Lighting
Bilal Qizilbash
Cassio Batteast
Christopher Herron
Pam Confer
Lynne Schneider, Murrah High School
Olivia Coté, Murrah High School
Imani Khayyam
Zilpha Young
William Kelly
Onelia Hawa
Justin Burch
Lynsey Wood Jeffries
Adria Walker
Todd Stauffer
Emily Henderson
Sharon Person
Tara Wren
Ronnie Agnew
Dr. Willie Killins
Thea Faulkner
Allison Cox
Talameika and Charles Brice
David Castro
daniel johnson
Ebony Lumumba
Click here to donate to the Mississippi Youth Media Project through fiscal sponsor Dialogue Jackson Inc.
Your contribution is tax-deductible.